Rendering Performance and Quality

A render is not finished when the “kernel”->”maxsamples” are reached. It is finished when the Viewport image quality is free of noise and all details have been rendered to a fine level. For some simple scenes, this will be after 500 samples. For some complex scenes it may take 10,000 samples.

Tips to increase render speed (by increasing sample/sec or reducing the samples required to finish the render):

IMPORTANT: Remember to adjust “kernel” -> “rayepsilon” for each scene. The “rayepsilon” will be smallest for close-up renders, and increase as the camera moves further away from the subject.

For very small scenes (millimeters) or very large scenes (spanning many kilometers) you may not be able to get the “rayepsilon” small or large enough. In this case, set the scene scale in the Configuration accordingly (mouseover the scale field for guidance on this).