In summary....
1) Add a Mesh in ArchiCAD (with ID name to select in the plugin)
2) Add an ArchiCAD Object (as the proxy host)
3) Start OctaneRender for ArchiCAD
4) Select the Object, then in the MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics. Tab click the Not a ProxyAn object saved as a separate file with the purpose of being reused in larger scenes. This is used to minimize any addition to the total polygon count in the scene, especially if the scene requires the same object to appear several times. If used in conjunction with instancing, Proxies help keep very large scenes from reaching polygon limits and also keeps the relative file size of the main project file manageable. button
(if the button states ‘Is a proxy’ then already a proxy is assigned to the ArchiCAD object)
5) Click the Generate Grass button, select the Mesh from the combo box, set the parameters and click the Generate button and save to an ABC file
6) Render (refresh Geometry) to see the result
The image here below shows the result in the total test scene with the material of the grass object edited.
Refer to ‘Chapter TexturesTextures are used to add details to a surface. Textures can be procedural or imported raster files. → Procedural Geometric Generators → W Coordinate’ about
using the W Coordinate texture for extended material settings for the Generated Grass.
Refer to the following video on Vimeo entitled "Generating Grass Blades in OctaneRender for ArchiCAD" for instructions on generating Grass scatter files:
If you have not assigned a proxy to an Object, and the Object has an ‘OctaneProxy_Obj’ GDL parameter, then the ‘OctaneProxy_*’ parameters will be used as the defaults to convert that Object to a proxy. Once converted, use the standard proxy dialog controls to adjust the settings (the ‘OctaneProxy_*’ will be ignored after the Object is a proxy host). The parameters are….
‘OctaneProxy_Obj’ (Text) = the full path and filename (incl OBJ extension) of the OBJ proxy file
‘OctaneProxy_ScaleAllAxs’ (Boolean)
‘OctaneProxy_XScale’ (Real Number)
‘OctaneProxy_YScale’ (Real Number)
‘OctaneProxy_ZScale’ (Real Number)
‘OctaneProxy_XRotation’ (Real Number)
|’OctaneProxy_YRotation’ (Real Number)
‘OctaneProxy_ZRotation’ (Real Number)
‘OctaneProxy_FaceCamera’ (Boolean) ← added in release of the plugin
‘OctaneProxy_AlwaysUseParameters’ (Boolean), which when ON means that the GDL parameters will always be used for scaling/rotating the proxy, and the Proxy window can not be accessed. ← added in release
‘OctaneProxy_TransformScatter’ (Boolean) added in release of the plugin – when enabled this means the Scatter array will be transformed by the proxy host position/location
See for a video about ‘Using ORBX Proxies in OctaneRender for ArchiCAD’ by Paul Kinnane.