
Octane's LocalDB is similar to the LiveDB in that it can be accessed through the tab in the Outliner. Instead of storing the files on the cloud, LocalDB stores the files locally. To save an Octane Node Graph to the localDB, select it in the graph editor and choose "Save..." From the Pop-up menu choose LocalDB as the Location. You can set the other options such as category and description using this pop-up (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The LocalDB options.


To create a thumbnail image, right-click over the node in the LocalDB list and choose "Make Thumbnail". A pop-up will open with controls for customizing the thumbnail (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Create a thumbnail for LocalDB files.


The location of the LocalDB files can be set using the fields in the Applications tab of the Preferences (figure 3).

Figure 3: Set the location of the LocalDB in the Applications tab of the preferences.