Jittered Color Correction


The Jittered Color Correction node randomizes various image adjustment parameters based on a seed value (figure 1).


Figure 1: The Jittered Color Correction used to randomly alter the Hue Range of a connected texture map


Jittered Color Correction Parameters

Input - The image to applied the node's effect to.

Seed - Adjusts the randomness of the effect.

Brightness Range - Determines the brightness range for the jitter effect.

Invert - Inverts the colors of the input image.

Hue Range - Determines the hue range for the jitter effect.

Saturation Range - Determines the saturation range for the jitter effect.

GammaThe function or attribute used to code or decode luminance for common displays. The computer graphics industry has set a standard gamma setting of 2.2 making it the most common default for 3D modelling and rendering applications. Range - Determines the gamma range for the jitter effect.

Contrast Range - Determines the contrast range for the jitter effect.

Gain Range - Determines the gain range for the jitter effect.

Exposure Range - Determines the exposure range for the jitter effect.

Mask - Determines where the effect is applied and where it is not applied.