

OctaneRender® supports two types of geometry:

Regular - This is the default geometry type for all Objects in a scene.

InstancingInstancing an object means taking a single imported mesh object, such as an OBJ or an FBX and making multiple copies, each of which can be placed in different parts of the scene. This saves an enormous amount of computational resources because only a single object is loaded into the scene. Geometry (Movable ProxyAn object saved as a separate file with the purpose of being reused in larger scenes. This is used to minimize any addition to the total polygon count in the scene, especially if the scene requires the same object to appear several times. If used in conjunction with instancing, Proxies help keep very large scenes from reaching polygon limits and also keeps the relative file size of the main project file manageable.) - If the scene contains several Objects with the same geometry, OctaneRender® keeps one copy in memory and uses it as reference for the other copies. The renderer reduces memory consumption in exchange for rendering speed. Instancing allows OctaneRender® to transform geometry in real-time without geometry recalculation, which is useful when creating animations.

You can change the geometry type from the Octane Object Properties window.


Figure 1: Changing the geometry type to a Movable Proxy in order to create instances